Why do we need a Mad World?

Conversations around mental health challenges are often serious. With the best of intentions, we try not make assumptions or ask imposing questions, yet we often end up uninformed, but still curious. And it’s certainly no laughing matter.

It’s a Mad World aims to be an open, transformative space where lived experiences of mental health challenges meets exploration, and isolation meets collaboration.

We want to show young people with family mental health challenges that their voice matters - no matter which way they want to express it.

Acknowledgement of lived experience

We honour the young people who lead these conversations. We need them to push our understandings, show us their reality, and amplify their stories.

We acknowledge and thank the participants of It's a Mad World. Without your voices, your honesty, your insights, and the utterly delightful connections, laughter, and support - this would not have been possible.

You are warriors of change.

We hope the world 'sits in it', listens, and bravely responds.

We acknowledge people who have lived experience of mental illness and mental health challenges. We acknowledge diversity and those within the LGBTIQA+ communities. We recognise and respect the choice people have in describing their own genders, bodies and relationships. We are continually developing and expanding our relevance through inclusive leadership and inclusive language.

How it all began

It’s a Mad World began as a place for people with lived and living experiences to meet and share their own stories of living with or around mental health challenges, creating a space to talk and laugh freely without reactions of pity, of platitudes, and people not knowing what to say.

A group of incredible young people went through a collaborative process to shed light on the how the quirks of ‘madness’ bring colour and depth to life. Together, they challenge the stigma around mental health by offering a courageous dialogue that recognises these journeys as complex and changeable experiences. ​

What is the Satellite Foundation?

Satellite is a non-profit organisation that seeks to contribute to positive outcomes for children, young people, their families, and communities where a family member has a mental illness or mental health challenges. Our diverse range of programs and activities have creativity at the heart and offer safe and welcoming spaces for connection and peer support, strengthening skills and sharing ideas.
